Monday, October 8, 2007

Blaqk Audio and Octopi with a new found love for paint markers...

So seeing Blaqk Audio with my chum Alana, meesha and Hayley was not only eventful, but somewhat nostalgic, as well as classy as hell. It reminded me of the first time i saw videos of depeche mode playing live. It was energetic fun and best of all wholesome. not too many stage theatrics and make up just good ol fashioned light shows, dancing and hella beats. Fantastic.

Later on, a while ago really (not too later on though) Hayley conceived the idea of a party, in which decorating walls became a happy medium. I had to decline due to work, but a piece was conceived in order to show some love.

Other than the obvious sadness of missing a kicking party i make myself feel better with new art.

"In Bloom"
mixed media, canvas
10" x 12"

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


So Meesh has come to reteach me in the ways of colour, i more or less asked for a refresher as i have been out of drawing, painting everything and anything for over a year, and the pieces i have produced have been less than mediocre. Ah well.
Ko returns home this Saturday. fucking excited as i haven't seen him since the summer began and we need some good hangout time.
I'm most likely going to see Blaqk Audio September 13th @ the mod club, should be exciting, it's going to be a hectic two months as a lot of things have been thrown on to my plate, a long with the whole moving scene.
I'm gonna catch some sleep as I have to work late at the store. Check out some new Coheed and Cambria at their MySpace account. Other than that. yep.

-Androo b.

Friday, August 3, 2007


So I've begun work on a blog, it's more or less just to keep me writing and thinking and to also keep me drawing. I've tried to give it a theme I can later work out and maybe draw a graphic noel from, as i have a very vivid idea, but no way to write it at the moment.
I've found over the last year or so I've regressed and have slowly been going backwards instead of moving forwards. So I'm trying to correct this.
I should have a new piece by the end of the weekend hopefully. for now enjoy the little banner at the top.
also if you've never met me and don't know about the art site i have it's called twothirtyseven if you wanna check out some art while you wait for me now is the time to visit. again that site is under construction but it remains up for your viewing pleasure.
Anyways have some fun and a good weekend, till then, later.